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Arkwrights Mill
Cromford Mill, Mill Lane, Cromford, Matlock, DE4 3RQ     Phone : +44 (0)1629 823256

Arkwrights Mill
Visitors come to Sir Richard Arkwright’s Cromford Mills in groups or as individuals; as serious sutudents of the Arkwright story or out of general interest; to explore our attractive shopping facilities or as patrons of our mill restaurants: or to view the regular regular exhibtions in our Gallery. Whatever your reason for visiting the mills, you will be made welcome.

Opening Hours

9am to 5pm throughout the year (closed on Christmas Day)

Admission and Car Parking

Admission to the site is free. As a contribution towards the running costs of the Society, there is a modest charge for car parking ('Pay & Display'). Individual Members of the Society park free of charge provided they display the annual parking permits which are issued to them. Click here to find out about membership.

Specific charges are made for those attending guided tours: see below.

Guided Tours and Educational Group Visits

Tours for visitors are available throughout the day. These should be arranged in advance by calling 01629 825995

Many young people visit Cromford each year in organised parties. From primary school to degree level, a visit to the Mill can be tailored to suit individual group needs and particular areas of interest.

Provided adequate notice is given, arrangements can be made for guided tours to be given in French or German. Contact 01629 825995

Führungen auf deutsch mit Voranmeldung

Visites en français avec préavis

The Mill Tour (Duration approx. 1 hour)

This includes an introduction, a tour of the main mill complex and exhibition. These tours normally take place at set times most days. Please call the above number to check what is available for your planned visit.

Charges (per person per hour): Adults £3.50. Children and Concessions £2.50

The Village Tour (Duration approx. 1 hour)

Cromford village, the factory community built by Sir Richard Arkwright and his son Richard Arkwright Junior, including the Market Place, workers’ housing, the Lock Up and the mill water courses. Places for this tour must be booked in advance.

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